Helping the Helpers
In 2022, we experienced significant growth as we expanded our portfolio of programs and organizations dedicated to addressing some of society's most critical issues. We are deeply grateful to the individuals and organizations who have placed their trust in us, allowing them to focus on their essential work. At our core, we believe everyone can make a difference, regardless of their background, experience, or financial resources. By providing incubation support, we enable informal charitable initiatives to achieve accelerated progress with the necessary foundational backing to succeed.

2022 Highlights
Raised $1.3 million for programs
Distributed $576K in funds
Accepted 70 applications for support
Provided resources to 103K individuals
Hired 14 employees
2022 Applicants
10% responding to a public emergency
91% are reducing systemic inequities
34% in need of an advisory board or governance
33% are unincorporated
57% in need of an annual budget
67% in need of start-up funding
73% plan to become a 501(c)3 in three years

2022 Feedback
100% found technical assistance useful
93% found us to be helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly
90% will come back for additional assistance
70% have 0-1 year of nonprofit management experience
7% are transgender or gender diverse*
48% are 45+ years old*
55% are non-caucasian*
54% have an annual income less than $20,000*
2022 Supporters
We are so grateful to the grantmakers, individuals, and organizations that support the invaluable work of the programs we serve. We (and they) could not do this without you!
+ many more
Revenue & Expenses
$4,915 corporate contributions
$1,214,041 foundation/grants
$61,360 individual contributions
$28,423 in-kind contributions
$114,781 service fees
$22,010 special events/sponsorships
$672,624 operating expenses
3.5% admin / .7% fundraising / 95.8% programs